Friday, October 29, 2010

Thoughts on Forgiveness

Forgiving someone is to set a prisoner free and realize that prisoner was you.

-Lewis Smedes

Forgiving someone who wronged you or your loved one is one of the hardest things a human being has to do.

There is something that feels righteous about holding onto to the right to be fuming mad.

And yet, this anger you hold inside of you becomes a poison. As you merge with it become its slave.

When we are wronged or hurt we go over and over it again in our minds. It becomes the banner we wave as we walk through life, the heavy back pack we carry always.

Forgiveness is in no way condoning what the perpetrator did. It is only choosing to untie yourself from bondage.

Forgiveness is a process. You may have thought that you have totally forgiven and then something may happen to you or a loved one that brings up the hard feelings all over again. This is completely natural.

We sometimes think that if we don’t cling to our story it will be lost. The story will never be lost. It is a part of who we are and has helped to define us. It is just that we have the empowered choice of going on and living a valued life.

Forgiveness does not mean that you act as though the event never happened. It did happen and it affected you greatly. It is knowing that you can put it behind you and re-engage in life.

Forgiveness is eventually understanding that hurt people hurt people. We wish it were different. We wish that no one was hurt in their life so that they wouldn’t hurt. But the truth is they are and they do.

Forgiveness is realizing that hard times come bearing gifts. The gift of realizing your own strength, your own power. Gifts of allowing yourself to receive love and kindness from others. Gifts of knowing how to give love and kindness to others.

My favorite quote on forgiveness comes from author Jerry Jamplosky who has dedicated his life to teaching love and forgiveness.

From the perspective of love and spirit, forgiveness is the willingness to let go of the hurtful past. It is the decision to no longer suffer, to heal your heart and soul. It is the choice to no longer find value in hatred or anger. And it is letting go of the desire to hurt others or ourselves because of something that is already in the past. It is the willingness to open our eyes to the light in other people rather than judge or condemn them.

I hope dear friends, that you find a way to open your heart to let go of anything that weighs you down and keeps you from letting your beautiful light shine. The world very much needs your light and your joy.

As always, I love hearing from you!

From my heart to yours,

Brenda Strausz

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Magic in You

We don't see things are they are we see them as we are.

Anais Nin

When my kids were in elementary school parents and kids were invited to hear a motivational speaker whose name I have long forgotten. This wise man said something that I never forgot.

He said that we should always remember these words: "If it is to be, it is up to me!"

Through the years, that one sentence has cropped up time and time again. My Gremlin has often rallied against it, hoping someone else would do it for me . . . that this book or this class or this guru would teach me how to live successfully in the world . . . that I could sit back and things would happen. One of my most important life learnings is that I have everything inside of me that I need to make my life work. I had it all the time. I just never knew it.

My friend Jane just got back from a week in the Bahamas and was telling me how the weather was unseasonably cool. She said that in the past she would have allowed the bad weather to ruin her week. Older and wiser now, she painted me a picture of how she made a decision to make it a wonderful week in spite of the weather. She put her whole self into enjoying the people, the food, the majesty of the wind, the beauty of the sky and the water. She described how a group of them took their umbrellas and made a shield against the wind as they sang and danced and ate. It was, she reported, one of her more memorable vacations. I smiled to myself as I pictured them creating memories in the wind.

It occurred to me as she spoke that it was if Jane took out a magic wand that she never knew she owned. She took it out and said "Abracadabra! I am going to change my thoughts, my attitudes, and my actions. I am going to enjoy what is here to enjoy! Embrace the mysteries of life! Reach for the joy all around me!"

I thought about Jane's story all day as I contemplated my life and my business. If I forget that I have a magic wand, I am like a boat that is tossed and turned by every wind.

When I open to the truth that magic is mine for the asking I stop asking, "Who do you think you are?" and say instead, "Look out world, here I come!" I stop comparing myself to anybody else and instead focus on my unique offerings. I begin to choose my thoughts and to live fully in my joy. I find that when my mind embraces my unique magnificence, the red carpet is rolled out for me as I say, "TA-DA!" Synchronicities appear! Chance meetings and wonderful opportunities present themselves as if by magic!

Magic is everywhere, my friends. Magic is what turns houses into homes, carrots into carrot soufflés, eggs into omelets, crises into opportunities, meals into banquets, words into poetry, acquaintances into friends, snow days into memories, teachers into mentors, work into joy and passion, ordinary moments into miracles.

Call to Action

  • In what areas of your life you can bring more magic to?

  • Set your intention everyday to live in ways that make your life more magical.

  • Keep your focus on the positives aspects of everything.

  • As you open up to being more charge of your thoughts and actions and having more positive thoughts take note of the miracles and synchronicities that appear.

  • If you have trouble finding and using the magic within you, use energy techniques like Emotional Freedom Techniques to move beyond the blocks that hold you back from living in your full magnificence.


  • I am open to finding miracles everywhere.

  • I choose my thoughts and actions.

  • My thoughts create my world and I create a magnificent world.

  • I am tapped in, tuned in, turned on!

  • The whole universe is cheering me on and supporting my every choice.

  • Every day and every way, I am getting better and better.

  • I find joy everywhere I go!
From my heart to yours,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

20 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

We are all vibrating energy. Everything is. When we are vibrating at a high level it affects the quality of your life and everyone around you. Everything looks good. Everyone looks good. People smile at you more. They want to be around you. Life feels a favorite pair of pajamas, like a warm fire on a cold winter day, like a perfect day at the beach.

Here are some vibration raising tips:

See everyone through the eyes of pure love.
Do an unexpected act of kindness.
Say thank you often.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.-Meister Eckhart

Don’t assume people know you love them…tell them.
Cook a beautiful nourishing meal. Share it.
Go barefoot in nature.

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
John Muir

Look around the room and breathe in gratefulness for all you have.
Write down ten great things about yourself.
Bless yourself. Bless your loved ones.
Bless strangers.
Give all day long that which is alive in you…your smile, your love, your joy.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama

Give yourself a retreat day. No phone. No internet. No work.
Love what you have.
Put your hand on your heart...breathe in love and breathe it out to the whole universe.
Pet a dog or a cat.

Millions of people who otherwise wold be completely lost in their mind and in endless concerns are taken back by their dog or cat into the present moment again and again and reminded of the joy of being.
–Eckhart Tolle

Feed the birds.
Swing on a swing and try to touch the sky!
Leave a sticky note on a bathroom mirror that says, "You are awesome!"
Do something with water. Shower. Run through the sprinkler. Splash someone.
Laugh often.
Look for loveliness in everyone and everything.

I hope as you read this you feel lighter, freer, more hopeful, more alive. You will see how much joy you can bring to the world by allowing yourself to be joyful.

From my heart to yours,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Open to Joy, Wonder and Delight with Joy Holland

Picture by Jeffrey Williams

Today, my guest blogger is my new friend Joy Holland, who has overcome many obstacles and is now living her dreams as she enjoys a peaceful and inspiring life on a sailboat with her two young children. She is a life coach, a motivational speaker and a beautiful love filled soul! She is a gifted writer as you shall see. Her words are deeply poetic and she touches the heart. Visit her on her inspiring blog at:


Thank you for joining me here at Brenda's site...I *love* all that Brenda offers here--each time I visit, I feel very refreshed and encouraged.

I would like to share that with you as well...

I stepped out of a life of chaos to live the life of my dreams, which you may read about here.. About Joy. I share with you from my heart, because I believe that you have within you the resources to live the life of *your* dreams..this very moment.

A life of ease, joy, delight, creativity, wonder, peace, love, grace is available to you the moment you open your heart to it.

I like to look at the sky. I begin my day at 3am by looking up to the sky. I live on a boat in a marina in a rather isolated area, so when I look to the early morning sky I am usually rewarded with the sight of the moon and a blanket of stars. I give praise to the moon and stars. I let the moonbeams light my heart and I think how each star is radiant on its own, glorious in the grouping. I think how each of us have the power of the moon, the brilliance of the stars, the glory of being in community.

I am as powerful as the moon, as brilliant as the stars, surrounded by Light...

On the days I am able to sleep in a bit, I begin my day around 6am. I look to the sky to see the sunrise over the hills..stretching pink tendrils across the sky. Sometimes it is cloudy, sometimes the sun shines warm and brilliant. The colors remind me of a clean canvas and the opportunity to paint on it any way I choose. I create this moment I am in. I may choose vivid colors, pastels, oils, watercolors; to use brushes or my fingers or other items to add texture. I may paint bold lines, faint lines, no lines..I may use techniques that are comfortable and familiar to me, I may be bold and try something new and different. I may display my painting, give it away, keep it for myself.

I am thankful for this moment. I choose how I'd like to create within it.

I find great joy and fulfillment in the process of creating.

Just as the sun rises and parts the clouds or shines brilliantly, effortlessly, with no help from the moment is given and unfolds naturally with no help from me. I do not control time, nor do I control the cycles around me. I may choose to resist or embrace the moment as it is

I embrace this moment as it is given.

My heart overflows with gratitude for this moment.

I am comfortable and safe. All is well.

I tend to look at the sky throughout the day. The placement of the sun guides my day...Some days there are clear skies, some days cloudy, some days dense fog, some days storms..Whether or not I see it with my eyes, I Know the sun is there. Just as I know the Divine is heart is open to the Divine. I Know we are perfectly made exactly as we are, exactly where we are, exactly for this moment. Regardless of external circumstances.

I am Divine.

I am perfectly made.

I am absolutely enough, will always be enough.

My life is a celebration of the Divine within.

Evening comes and I find the sunset. Whether I am at work, at home, driving, or out and around, I stop to view the sunset. And I ask those around me in my physical space to do the same. Even if I do not know them. I feel if nature is going to take the time to provide such a gorgeous visual display, I am going to take the time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the gift. Just as I appreciate and acknowledge the gift of energy that each person that interacts with me shares..I make the time to share my Love and Gratitude with you.

I am full of Love.

I am generous in giving and a gracious receiver.

I am full of gratitude for all that we share together.

I happen to Love the moon. The moonbeams literally shine through the hatch above my bed and lull me to sleep. I sleep in the moonbeams..magical indeed. I let that magic touch my heart while I sleep. I believe it creates my dreams at night and during the day. This magic is available to me throughout the day and is most potent when I allow my heart to be open to it...

Abundant delight, surprise, joy

Enriches my life in myriad ways.

My life is as magical, as grand, as wonder filled,

As I allow it to Be.

I find it comforting that regardless of what was in my day, the sun always rises. The sun always sets. The moon is there among a blanket of stars. Each and every day. Natural example for my heart to follow.. and if I forget, I may always look up and bask in the Light from above...

I Bask in the Light from Above,

Golden and pure..

I let Light wash over me, pour through me,

Much peace,


Joy Holland is a Light worker with a gift of clarity who greatly enjoys guiding others to live the life of their dreams. Joy is living the life of her dreams on a sailboat with her two young children. She enjoys sailing, hiking, cooking, playing her drum in the moonbeams. Joy is a life coach, a motivational speaker, and the author of the blog "Unfolding Your Path to Joy". She is bold in her actions, loving with her words, peace filled in her life...and it is her life's purpose to share this with everyone she meets..

Friday, September 10, 2010

What is Wrong Sweetheart?

"There is no greater agony than the untold story inside of you." -Maya Angelou

A day at temple for the Jewish New Year… beautiful service and prayers. Hugging temple members and friends. Feeling God in the prayers, the rabbi’s words, the cantor’s melodic voice, the songs, the holy connection to all the world there in my temple.

Later that night, dinner with family. Beautiful babies. Joy. Love. Great conversation. Amazing food. Wonderful people.

All this bounty. All this to be thankful for.

Then why this sadness in the pit of my stomach?

Why these tears that hide behind my eyes?

Sitting in silence, I decide to let my tears have a voice.

I sit down and with pen in hand, I ask myself the simple question: “What is wrong, sweetheart?”

As my pen moves, my tears flow.

And I confess:

I miss my kids terribly and this makes me so sad. I want desperately to hug my little granddaughter and rock her to sleep. I want to make the serious illnesses of my brother-in-law and one of my closest friends go away. I want to bring my Aunt back to life in her most healthy and glorious state so my uncle will be happy again. I want my clients to have happier relationships and better lives. I want all diseases to be obliterated from the earth.

I want things that are not possible to have.

The tears keep flowing as I allow all the sadness to have a voice.

And with each tear that flows my sadness feels accepted. It feels heard.

I remind myself that it is okay to feel sad. How could I forget that denying sadness squelches your vitality, your life force? Numbing yourself just doesn’t work… it always catches up to you. And I guess it caught up with me.

So I will muck around in it for awhile. I will allow it to breathe and to circulate so it can unstick a bit. I will give my sadness a voice until it is done talking.
And then I will be more myself again. Freer. Less constricted.

I may call a friend to share my sadness or I may find that I don’t need to. Maybe the writing and the tears are enough.

Of this I am sure of. I cannot find my kids jobs here but I can be the best out of town mom and grandma in the world. I can relish in the fact that they are happy and doing well. I can take tremendous joy out of our phone calls, our Skype sessions and all the times we are together. I cannot make my brother-in-law or friend well or bring my Aunt back to life, but I can be there for them physically and emotionally. And I can send them light and prayers and cheerful e-mails and cards and phone calls.

And then I will do what makes me come alive. I will listen to uplifting songs. I will sing. I will dance. I will meditate and pray and read awesome books. I will walk and do yoga. I will spend time in nature. I will cook great, healthy meals. I will scrapbook. I will post on inspiring posts on facebook. I will write articles. I will play games with friends. I will go to the movies.

I will allow myself to feel because that’s what being alive is all about. And I will feel my sadness for as long as I need to. And I will pick myself up, dust myself off and begin again to see the goodness in the world.

Call to action:

When you feel those feeling of sadness, get a journal and let them have a voice. If nothing comes to you, start to draw…sometimes the right brain knows what the left brain doesn’t.

Give yourself lots of kindness and compassion.

Remember to breathe.

Sometimes you may need a break from your feelings. Imagine yourself in a safe space that you love. It may be somewhere you know or something you create. .It could be a room or a place in nature. Put anything or anyone in it who gives you comfort. Imagine the colors and objects or things from nature you most love. Spend some time feeling that healing energy.

Sometimes these feelings may be triggering an old memory. You can ask yourself what this reminds you of. Often we get great relief from knowing this.

EFT or tapping therapy can help to move stuck energy out of your energy system. Check out my website or e-mail me for more information.
Brenda Strausz is a holistic psychotherapist with a practice in the Metro Detroit Area who specializes in women’s issues. She can be reached at

Monday, August 30, 2010

My Love Letter to the World

My Love Letter to the World

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.

~ Mother Teresa

I remember talking to a friend in high school where I berated myself for not being able to play an instrument or sing or dance well. "Oh Brenda, don't you see?" she so sweetly answered me. "You are a sunshine spreader! You are always inspiring people with your joy and positivity. That is the best gift you can give!" My friend's comment was very astute. I have an important job in the world.

My blog and articles I write are a love letter to the world. I like to think of people smiling quietly when they read them. I am hoping that if they read something that touches their soul, their heart may expand a bit; they may stand a little taller and see the world through different eyes. Maybe they read a sentence or two to their mom over the phone or make a copy to keep on their bulletin board. Maybe they think about one of the lines during the day that inspires them or brings them comfort.

My workshops, teleclasses, EFT Healing Circles and individual sessions are my love letters to the world also. They give me an opportunity to teach and inspire many people at the same time.

How I live in the world is my love letter too. I want everyone who comes in contact with me to feel better because they had an encounter with me.

My children are my love letter to the world. I told them when they began to take trips out of the country that they were ambassadors for our family, for Michigan and for the United States. Grown up now, I am proud that they show love and caring in their daily interactions with people in their lives. Like the line from the movie, Mr. Holland's Opus, "They are my symphony!"

Of course there are artists like my sister Cheryl and my sister-in-law Jo who bring joy into the world with a luscious interplay of color and light. There are gardeners like my father who create living oases of beauty and wonder. How about the decorators (or homemakers) who create spaces of beauty that make you feel all warm and cozy inside? Or the teachers like my husband Richard and my favorite high school social studies teacher, Mr. O'Hara who inspire you to reach higher and higher? There are musicians like Yitazk Perlman and singers like Barbara Streisand whose music and lyrics reach the depths of your soul.

Of this, I am certain that every kind and wonderful things we do is a love letter to the world. So, my friend, what is your love letter and how do you deliver it?

Call to Action

§ Spend some time figuring out what your special talents and abilities are.

§ Realize that these are your love letter to the world.

§ Take notice of how your gifts affect the people in your life.

§ Notice how happy this makes you.

§ Be proud of all you are!


I touch others when I give the gift of my time and attention.

I am so grateful for the gifts I have to share.

I get joy out of sharing my gifts with the world.

Everyday is a new opportunity to share myself with the world.

Please join me for aTeleclass on Improving Your Self Esteem with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Join me as I guide you on how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help you move beyond the limiting beliefs that keep you from living in your full magnificence!

After this class you will feel refreshed, recharged and ready to take on the world. Plus you will have a tool for life.

Special Launch Price: $20
Date: Tuesday, September 14th, 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST

Go to the post 8/25/10 to register with secure paypal!
Seeyou there!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Teleclass: Improving Your Self-Esteem with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

Join Brenda Strausz as she guides us on how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to help you move beyond the limiting beliefs that keep you from living in your full magnificence!

After this class you will feel refreshed, recharged and ready to take on the world. Plus you will have a tool for life.

Launch Price:
Date: Tuesday, September 14th, 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST

Click the "Buy Now" button for secure payment with PayPal

Handout and worksheet included in this class!

What is EFT?

EFT is a simple technique that consists of tapping gently on meridian points on your body to relase stuck energy. You will feel the relief in your body mind and soul immediately. EFT is used world-wide by psychologists, doctors, hypnotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, with great success. The best news is once learned, you will have a tool for life.

How will EFT help me to improve my self-esteem?

We will explore the fears and limiting beliefs that you have been living by. These beliefs and thoughts become like an internalized parent that lives in your head and weakens your confidence and depletes your energy and keeps you from living in your true magnificence.

With EFT, we learn how to disengage from this critical voice and open up to the beauty that is in each one of us.

I am a holistic Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. My passion is helping women (and men) love and accept themselves and overcome any obstacles that stops them from living in their full magnificence. I believes strongly in the healing power of love and forgiveness and feel that your joy is the greatest gift you can give the world!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Most Important Life Lessons


I sat on my backyard swing last night enjoying the astonishing beauty of the summer sky. Journal in hand, I began to think about the wisdom that I have acquired in my many years of living. I realize that my life has been a sacred journey of gathering wisdom and understanding how to best live well in the world. I know I have alot more to learn but I am so grateful for what life has taught me.

1. Let go of things you cannot change.

Ask yourself, what can I do about this? If it seems there is something you can do, do it. If the answer is nothing, say a heartfelt prayer and get on with the business of living.

2. Change what you can.

Your thoughts, your behaviors and your actions--that is about it!

3. Do not take things personally.

If you are treated rudely, it usually isn’t about you but the other person’s pain or wounds. You don’t have to be a victim.

4.Heal your wounds.

If you find you are often offended and unhappy, look inside for what is being triggered and heal these wounds.

5.Feed your soul.

Spend time often doing what you love. This will bring you much happiness!

6.Connect with others.

Smile at people in the grocery store. Comment on someone’s baby or flowers or dog. Form a book group or a women’s group. Call a friend for lunch. Invite a neighbor for dinner.

7. Kindness is golden.

Kindness not only brings joy to others but expands our own heart. Kindness to yourself is very important.

8. Do not make assumptions.

You can build a whole story out of why you think someone is doing what they are doing. It is a waste of your time and energy

9. Listen with your whole heart.

This is one of the greatest gifts you can give another human being.

10. Accept yourself with all your beauty, flaws and human frailties.

When you accept yourself the way you are you are free to make changes.

11. Listen to your gut.

Check inside when making a decision about anything. If something just doesn't feel right, pay attention to that feeling.

12. Know what you stand for.

Get clear on your principles and beliefs. These will be your guide in making many important life decisons.

13. Appreciate what you have.

When you live in appreciation the universe will give you even more.

14. Allow yourself to feel your feelings.

This is very freeing and allows you to live more in a state of flow.

15. Like attracts like.

Positive thoughts attract positive things, experiences and people. Negative thoughts attract negativity into your life.

16. Simple things are best.

When I look back at my life it is always the times with family and friends, the games, the laughter, the joy that we shared that I remember most.

17. It is the love you have shared with others that really matters.

Live as if to live and to love are the same.

18. Forgive.

Forgiveness allows the posion of hatred to leave your body, mind and soul and to live in a state of peace and joy. It helps when we realize that most people are doing the best they can with what the resources and knowledge they have.

19. Just do it!

This applies to applying for the job,making that dreaded phone call,going out for a run when you are tired or booking a trip to Italy.

20. Look for the good in others.

Why not? If I can see the loveliness in someone else...they begin to see it in themselves.

These life lessons guide me in my everyday life in countless ways. I am sure I will add more and more to the list as the years go by.

I would love if you added your gems to this list. I am sure they are beautiful.

From my heart to yours,

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Courage to Emerge with Tess Marshall of The Bold Life

Tess Marshall's blog, The Bold Life is full of passion, joy and wisdom--just like Tess! Tess is a gifted writer, coach and public speaker. I know you will feel much bolder and ready to take on the world when you read this empowering article. A big thank you for my new friend Tess for sharing her gifts with the world and for being a guest on my blog!

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” –Anais Nin

Do you have a dream that is big, scary and seems impossible? You may even feel the world is against you and everyone else gets the breaks. Don’t allow your dreams to fade away or die out of fear. Don’t take your talent to your grave.

I believe you have what it takes and I think you’re amazing, and what I think …you’re a million times more! I believe in our awesome universe anything can happen, any place, any time, when you show up and participate in life.

What to do when you fear your possible dream:

“Smile, breathe and go slowly.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Live a moment-to-moment life. Nothing is impossible to believe or accomplish one moment at a time. In the present moment fear fades away leaving room for faith to flourish.

In this moment your gifts and talents are unfolding. Listen as your heart is stirred by joyful whispers only you can follow. When you hear your dream calling, fling the door open and invite your future inside.

“The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire. Your essence is gold hidden in dust. To reveals its splendor you need to burn in the fire of love.” – Rumi

Choose to feel radiantly alive. Breathe into what challenges you. Breathe from you solar plexus and know that the universe is conspiring to bring you all that you need to grow into your dream. Trust the dream in your heart.

“You, yourself, are the arbiter of your own destingy.” Emma C. Hopkins

Choose health. Make healthy choices including daily doses of fruits, vegetables and exercise. When you choose to awaken every cell in your body, your energy vibrates on the frequency of miracles.

“Whatever we do lays a seed in our deepest consciousness, and one day that seed will grow.” – Sakyoung Mipham

Create something new every day. Write the next chapter in your book, dance, cook, garden, design or decorate. Your creativity fans the Divine spark that connects to the right people, places and things. Seek a connection to someone who can and will take you to the next level.

“Faith in yourself will make despair disappear.” –Frank Tyger

Have faith in yourself and in your path. Act on Divine inspiration. Go with the flow. Live from the place that the world is better because you are here. Be contagious, radiate energy that makes others want what you have. Consciously create your world. Color it bright, outline it in bold!

“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things…I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.” –Leo F. Buscalia

Partake in the Sacred Yes Factor. Be spontaneous! Don’t over think things. Your ego wants predictability. It’s what drives you to watch the same television show, eat the same food for breakfast and take the same route to work. Your soul wants spontaneity. Take a risk, dare to look foolish or silly. Say yes to life, work, play and new beginnings. Learn to love and invite curiosity, fun and even change into your life.

“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Stretch beyond your normal boundaries. Do the unthinkable, believe in the unimaginable, and go against the crowd and common view. Trust. Surrender. Be free. Connect with the awe inspiring majesty and rhythm of life.

“Blaze with the fire that is never extinguished.” Luisa Sigea

Be passionate. French philosopher and author of The Poetics of Space, Gaston Bachelard, states that three factors are required for living a life of spontaneity and passion: intensity, intimacy, and immensity. Be animated, inspired, enlightened and illuminated by music, books, nature, children and art. Allow your life to be an expression of joy. Allow life to sweep you along the path others fear to go.

“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.” D. H. Lawrence

Get out there and makes some noise. I recently decided to reignite my professional speaking career after a three year hiatus. I found a great coach and asked him to hold me accountable. I joined Toastmasters to be with like minded people. I put a speaking page on my blog. My first gig is coming up next month. When I committed, my dream reached out and took me by the hand.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

Stand in gratitude with a strong appreciation of yourself. Radiate your brilliance, intuition and some kind of wonderful. Be swept away by your own genius. You have the Divine in your DNA. You are here to play a part in creating a world that blesses everyone and profits all.

Do you feel drawn to something? What is one thing you could do that would make the biggest difference in your life?

Tess Marshall is the mover and shaker, at, where she’ll hold you accountable for being the boldest you’ve ever been in every area of your life! What would you do if you were 10 times bolder? You can sign up for her RSS feed and receive her updates or follow her on Twitter
"Inspiration for Fearless Living"
Speaking Information:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bring Your Child Out to Play

Ten Ways to Be More Like a Child

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. - Pablo Picasso

1. Be curious.

Look at things as if seeing them for the first time. Wonder how birds build their nests. Wonder where squirrels sleep in the winter. Be curious about people. When you look at life with curious eyes and ears…you judge less and love more.

2. Be yourself.

When you worry what others think about you, you lose your natural spontaneity and aliveness. Just enjoy being your beautiful authentic self!

3. See beauty everywhere.

Look for beauty in everyone and everything. It is there in the everydayness of life. Look for it in flowers, trees, birds, children on a swing, lovers holding hand.

4. Believe in miracles.

There are miracles everywhere just waiting to be enjoyed! Have fun becoming a miracle hunter.

5. Be playful.

Blow bubbles. Dance in your living room. Have an ice cream party. Go on a bike ride. Play charades. Run through the sprinkler. Sing to your hearts content.

6. Live in the moment.

When you dwell in the past you get depressed and when you worry about the future you get anxious. So, really the best place to be is HERE. NOW. And you do that by noticing what is around you.

7. Create something!

Use the skills you have to make something you love. When we are busy creating something we can not be unhappy. Creating beautiful moments counts too!

8. Spend time in nature.

Nature comes bearing so many gifts. When I walked today and saw the trees I marveled and how easily they bend with the wind. As I passed our neighborhood creek, I watched as the flow of water. I realized that I can be more like the trees and the flowing water.

9. Be spontaneous!

When you feel the urge to do something –just do it! When you wait too long, you miss opportunities to live!

10. Express yourself.

When a child is sad or mad or glad…he or she lets you know with laughter, tears or words. Feelings kept inside keep us trapped and down. If it isn’t appropriate at the time to sharethere is always your journal, a trusted friend or a therapist.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Love Made Visible

So much to worry about. So little we can do. Sometimes all we can do is to send love out to whoever we are worried about. Hopefully, we can be there with a helping hand and an outstretched arm.

Love is an emotion, a feeling, a verb, a noun and with an "ing" it is even an adverb. Love makes the wold go 'round. Love enriches us, revitalizes us, expand us. It fills us with warmth and joy.

Everyday we can choose to be a loving presence. We can be a beacon of light that reaches out and touches the world in a positive, empowering and healing way. We have the sublime power to affect the quality of the day for the people we come in conact with. And the wonderful thing about this is that like a pebble thrown into a pond, we never know how far our love will travel.

I recall this winter when my husband and I woke up to discover that my neighbor Stuart (thank you Stuart!) had cleared our sidewalk of the snow that had fallen overnight. What a great way to start the day. It warmed our hearts and filled us with good feelings that not only affected us all day long but also everyone we came in contact with.

So today, I focus not so much on romantic love .. . although that is an amazing and wonderful thing. Today, I am thinking more about loving-kindness. The kind of love that gets joy our of making life easier for others.

The kind of love that that asks the clerk in the drustore how her day is going.

The kind of love that treks through a snowy backyard to make sure the birds are feed.

The kind of love that can sit with people who are sick or hurting and just be with them.

The kind of love that not only feeds the neighborhood stray cat but builds a little red house for him too sleep in. (shout out to Sharon and Tom!)

The kind of love you feel while making a pot of soup knowing how warm and happy the soup will make your family.

The kind of love that rushes right over to a friend who has experienced a loss with a box of kleenex and a bag of M and M's.

The kind of love that listens, really listens with an open heart to a friend who needs you.

The kind of love that looks beyond someone's appearance or the kind of car they drive and only notices the person the quality of the person's heart.

The kind of love that sends a card of encouragement or a phone call to someone who is having a hard time.

The kind of love that volunteers at the local food bank.

The kind of love that visit the elderly woman next door who lives alone with a container of soup in hand.

Life can be stressful, hard, scary and sometimes unfair. But what if in the midst of all this .. .we just decided to give love wherever we go? What if we moved beyond our problems and asked the barista at the coffee shop about her new baby and she would light up knowing that we cared about her? What if we waved people into our lane in bad traffic? What if we went up to a lonely looking person at a party and asked him about himself? What if we were all beaming beacons of love and light? What would it be like if we all lived this way? For in the end, I am very sure that it is love that will save us.

I infuse everything with love today.
I see the best in others.
I see the best in myself.
I am in total harmony with everyone today.
Love operates in all my relationships.
I allow my love to flow freely. My supply of love is endless.
It is a joy to spread love and kindness to everyone I meet today.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time to Shed

Photo by Jeff Williams


In Spring many animals shed their fur. Because I am not a furry animal, I can only imagine how the excess fur begins feel heavy and cumbersome. Such freedom it must be for them to feel more lightness in their being! Joy! Delight! Present Moment living!

What about you?

Isn't time for you to think about shedding things that feel cumbersome and heavy?

What about old beliefs that keep you small and stuck?

What about the judgments you put on others and yourself?

What about negative thoughts that keeps you from enjoying life fully?

What about some ancient grudges that weigh heavily on your heart and soul?

What about the critical voice in your head that tells you you are not good enough?

What about old habits that are not working for you?

What about anything that just doesn't fit with who you are?

Spring. Time to shed. Time to take inventory. Time to Spring Clean. Time for you to blossom into who you really are!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Your Magnificence

When I see clients in my office being so hard on themselves, I tell them that I wish they could see themselves through my eyes. They would see such beauty and courage and magnificence.

I think if all people could see themselves as a spark of the divine . . . the whole world would be humming a beautiful song of peace.

So, I dedicate this to all of you . . . whose time has come to open up to your full beautiful selves!
Look into the mirror and read this to yourself . . . and just watch how your life changes! When you love yourself . . . everything falls into place.

From my heart to yours,

Embrace Your Magnificence
A Poem for all Women Who Ever Doubt their Own Magnificence

You are music and song and laughter.
You are a shinning star on a perfectly clear night.
You are the sun after a long winter.
You are compassion and strength and vitality.
The trees bow to you when you walk by.
The flowers smile.
Every blade of grass celebrates the beauty of who you are.
And who you are yet to be.
Your life is a sacred journey.
Your gentleness is your strength.
Your strength is your gentleness.
And as you walk your path,
You are writing the story of your life.
Letting go of what no longer serves you.
And living with courage, strength, dignity, beauty, wisdom and always love.
Wherever you walk, love walks too.