Sunday, September 26, 2010
20 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
We are all vibrating energy. Everything is. When we are vibrating at a high level it affects the quality of your life and everyone around you. Everything looks good. Everyone looks good. People smile at you more. They want to be around you. Life feels a favorite pair of pajamas, like a warm fire on a cold winter day, like a perfect day at the beach.
Here are some vibration raising tips:
See everyone through the eyes of pure love.
Do an unexpected act of kindness.
Say thank you often.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.-Meister Eckhart
Don’t assume people know you love them…tell them.
Cook a beautiful nourishing meal. Share it.
Go barefoot in nature.
In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
John Muir
Look around the room and breathe in gratefulness for all you have.
Write down ten great things about yourself.
Bless yourself. Bless your loved ones.
Bless strangers.
Give all day long that which is alive in you…your smile, your love, your joy.
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
Dalai Lama
Give yourself a retreat day. No phone. No internet. No work.
Love what you have.
Put your hand on your heart...breathe in love and breathe it out to the whole universe.
Pet a dog or a cat.
Millions of people who otherwise wold be completely lost in their mind and in endless concerns are taken back by their dog or cat into the present moment again and again and reminded of the joy of being.
–Eckhart Tolle
Feed the birds.
Swing on a swing and try to touch the sky!
Leave a sticky note on a bathroom mirror that says, "You are awesome!"
Do something with water. Shower. Run through the sprinkler. Splash someone.
Laugh often.
Look for loveliness in everyone and everything.
I hope as you read this you feel lighter, freer, more hopeful, more alive. You will see how much joy you can bring to the world by allowing yourself to be joyful.
From my heart to yours,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Open to Joy, Wonder and Delight with Joy Holland
Picture by Jeffrey Williams
Today, my guest blogger is my new friend Joy Holland, who has overcome many obstacles and is now living her dreams as she enjoys a peaceful and inspiring life on a sailboat with her two young children. She is a life coach, a motivational speaker and a beautiful love filled soul! She is a gifted writer as you shall see. Her words are deeply poetic and she touches the heart. Visit her on her inspiring blog at:
Thank you for joining me here at Brenda's site...I *love* all that Brenda offers here--each time I visit, I feel very refreshed and encouraged.
I would like to share that with you as well...
I stepped out of a life of chaos to live the life of my dreams, which you may read about here.. About Joy. I share with you from my heart, because I believe that you have within you the resources to live the life of *your* dreams..this very moment.
A life of ease, joy, delight, creativity, wonder, peace, love, grace is available to you the moment you open your heart to it.
I like to look at the sky. I begin my day at 3am by looking up to the sky. I live on a boat in a marina in a rather isolated area, so when I look to the early morning sky I am usually rewarded with the sight of the moon and a blanket of stars. I give praise to the moon and stars. I let the moonbeams light my heart and I think how each star is radiant on its own, glorious in the grouping. I think how each of us have the power of the moon, the brilliance of the stars, the glory of being in community.
I am as powerful as the moon, as brilliant as the stars, surrounded by Light...
On the days I am able to sleep in a bit, I begin my day around 6am. I look to the sky to see the sunrise over the hills..stretching pink tendrils across the sky. Sometimes it is cloudy, sometimes the sun shines warm and brilliant. The colors remind me of a clean canvas and the opportunity to paint on it any way I choose. I create this moment I am in. I may choose vivid colors, pastels, oils, watercolors; to use brushes or my fingers or other items to add texture. I may paint bold lines, faint lines, no lines..I may use techniques that are comfortable and familiar to me, I may be bold and try something new and different. I may display my painting, give it away, keep it for myself.
I am thankful for this moment. I choose how I'd like to create within it.
I find great joy and fulfillment in the process of creating.
Just as the sun rises and parts the clouds or shines brilliantly, effortlessly, with no help from the moment is given and unfolds naturally with no help from me. I do not control time, nor do I control the cycles around me. I may choose to resist or embrace the moment as it is
I embrace this moment as it is given.
My heart overflows with gratitude for this moment.
I am comfortable and safe. All is well.
I tend to look at the sky throughout the day. The placement of the sun guides my day...Some days there are clear skies, some days cloudy, some days dense fog, some days storms..Whether or not I see it with my eyes, I Know the sun is there. Just as I know the Divine is heart is open to the Divine. I Know we are perfectly made exactly as we are, exactly where we are, exactly for this moment. Regardless of external circumstances.
I am Divine.
I am perfectly made.
I am absolutely enough, will always be enough.
My life is a celebration of the Divine within.
Evening comes and I find the sunset. Whether I am at work, at home, driving, or out and around, I stop to view the sunset. And I ask those around me in my physical space to do the same. Even if I do not know them. I feel if nature is going to take the time to provide such a gorgeous visual display, I am going to take the time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the gift. Just as I appreciate and acknowledge the gift of energy that each person that interacts with me shares..I make the time to share my Love and Gratitude with you.
I am full of Love.
I am generous in giving and a gracious receiver.
I am full of gratitude for all that we share together.
I happen to Love the moon. The moonbeams literally shine through the hatch above my bed and lull me to sleep. I sleep in the moonbeams..magical indeed. I let that magic touch my heart while I sleep. I believe it creates my dreams at night and during the day. This magic is available to me throughout the day and is most potent when I allow my heart to be open to it...
Abundant delight, surprise, joy
Enriches my life in myriad ways.
My life is as magical, as grand, as wonder filled,
As I allow it to Be.
I find it comforting that regardless of what was in my day, the sun always rises. The sun always sets. The moon is there among a blanket of stars. Each and every day. Natural example for my heart to follow.. and if I forget, I may always look up and bask in the Light from above...
I Bask in the Light from Above,
Golden and pure..
I let Light wash over me, pour through me,
Much peace,
Joy Holland is a Light worker with a gift of clarity who greatly enjoys guiding others to live the life of their dreams. Joy is living the life of her dreams on a sailboat with her two young children. She enjoys sailing, hiking, cooking, playing her drum in the moonbeams. Joy is a life coach, a motivational speaker, and the author of the blog "Unfolding Your Path to Joy". She is bold in her actions, loving with her words, peace filled in her life...and it is her life's purpose to share this with everyone she meets..
Friday, September 10, 2010
What is Wrong Sweetheart?
"There is no greater agony than the untold story inside of you." -Maya Angelou
A day at temple for the Jewish New Year… beautiful service and prayers. Hugging temple members and friends. Feeling God in the prayers, the rabbi’s words, the cantor’s melodic voice, the songs, the holy connection to all the world there in my temple.
Later that night, dinner with family. Beautiful babies. Joy. Love. Great conversation. Amazing food. Wonderful people.
All this bounty. All this to be thankful for.
Then why this sadness in the pit of my stomach?
Why these tears that hide behind my eyes?
Sitting in silence, I decide to let my tears have a voice.
I sit down and with pen in hand, I ask myself the simple question: “What is wrong, sweetheart?”
As my pen moves, my tears flow.
And I confess:
I miss my kids terribly and this makes me so sad. I want desperately to hug my little granddaughter and rock her to sleep. I want to make the serious illnesses of my brother-in-law and one of my closest friends go away. I want to bring my Aunt back to life in her most healthy and glorious state so my uncle will be happy again. I want my clients to have happier relationships and better lives. I want all diseases to be obliterated from the earth.
I want things that are not possible to have.
The tears keep flowing as I allow all the sadness to have a voice.
And with each tear that flows my sadness feels accepted. It feels heard.
I remind myself that it is okay to feel sad. How could I forget that denying sadness squelches your vitality, your life force? Numbing yourself just doesn’t work… it always catches up to you. And I guess it caught up with me.
So I will muck around in it for awhile. I will allow it to breathe and to circulate so it can unstick a bit. I will give my sadness a voice until it is done talking.
And then I will be more myself again. Freer. Less constricted.
I may call a friend to share my sadness or I may find that I don’t need to. Maybe the writing and the tears are enough.
Of this I am sure of. I cannot find my kids jobs here but I can be the best out of town mom and grandma in the world. I can relish in the fact that they are happy and doing well. I can take tremendous joy out of our phone calls, our Skype sessions and all the times we are together. I cannot make my brother-in-law or friend well or bring my Aunt back to life, but I can be there for them physically and emotionally. And I can send them light and prayers and cheerful e-mails and cards and phone calls.
And then I will do what makes me come alive. I will listen to uplifting songs. I will sing. I will dance. I will meditate and pray and read awesome books. I will walk and do yoga. I will spend time in nature. I will cook great, healthy meals. I will scrapbook. I will post on inspiring posts on facebook. I will write articles. I will play games with friends. I will go to the movies.
I will allow myself to feel because that’s what being alive is all about. And I will feel my sadness for as long as I need to. And I will pick myself up, dust myself off and begin again to see the goodness in the world.
Call to action:
When you feel those feeling of sadness, get a journal and let them have a voice. If nothing comes to you, start to draw…sometimes the right brain knows what the left brain doesn’t.
Give yourself lots of kindness and compassion.
Remember to breathe.
Sometimes you may need a break from your feelings. Imagine yourself in a safe space that you love. It may be somewhere you know or something you create. .It could be a room or a place in nature. Put anything or anyone in it who gives you comfort. Imagine the colors and objects or things from nature you most love. Spend some time feeling that healing energy.
Sometimes these feelings may be triggering an old memory. You can ask yourself what this reminds you of. Often we get great relief from knowing this.
EFT or tapping therapy can help to move stuck energy out of your energy system. Check out my website or e-mail me for more information.
Brenda Strausz is a holistic psychotherapist with a practice in the Metro Detroit Area who specializes in women’s issues. She can be reached at
A day at temple for the Jewish New Year… beautiful service and prayers. Hugging temple members and friends. Feeling God in the prayers, the rabbi’s words, the cantor’s melodic voice, the songs, the holy connection to all the world there in my temple.
Later that night, dinner with family. Beautiful babies. Joy. Love. Great conversation. Amazing food. Wonderful people.
All this bounty. All this to be thankful for.
Then why this sadness in the pit of my stomach?
Why these tears that hide behind my eyes?
Sitting in silence, I decide to let my tears have a voice.
I sit down and with pen in hand, I ask myself the simple question: “What is wrong, sweetheart?”
As my pen moves, my tears flow.
And I confess:
I miss my kids terribly and this makes me so sad. I want desperately to hug my little granddaughter and rock her to sleep. I want to make the serious illnesses of my brother-in-law and one of my closest friends go away. I want to bring my Aunt back to life in her most healthy and glorious state so my uncle will be happy again. I want my clients to have happier relationships and better lives. I want all diseases to be obliterated from the earth.
I want things that are not possible to have.
The tears keep flowing as I allow all the sadness to have a voice.
And with each tear that flows my sadness feels accepted. It feels heard.
I remind myself that it is okay to feel sad. How could I forget that denying sadness squelches your vitality, your life force? Numbing yourself just doesn’t work… it always catches up to you. And I guess it caught up with me.
So I will muck around in it for awhile. I will allow it to breathe and to circulate so it can unstick a bit. I will give my sadness a voice until it is done talking.
And then I will be more myself again. Freer. Less constricted.
I may call a friend to share my sadness or I may find that I don’t need to. Maybe the writing and the tears are enough.
Of this I am sure of. I cannot find my kids jobs here but I can be the best out of town mom and grandma in the world. I can relish in the fact that they are happy and doing well. I can take tremendous joy out of our phone calls, our Skype sessions and all the times we are together. I cannot make my brother-in-law or friend well or bring my Aunt back to life, but I can be there for them physically and emotionally. And I can send them light and prayers and cheerful e-mails and cards and phone calls.
And then I will do what makes me come alive. I will listen to uplifting songs. I will sing. I will dance. I will meditate and pray and read awesome books. I will walk and do yoga. I will spend time in nature. I will cook great, healthy meals. I will scrapbook. I will post on inspiring posts on facebook. I will write articles. I will play games with friends. I will go to the movies.
I will allow myself to feel because that’s what being alive is all about. And I will feel my sadness for as long as I need to. And I will pick myself up, dust myself off and begin again to see the goodness in the world.
Call to action:
When you feel those feeling of sadness, get a journal and let them have a voice. If nothing comes to you, start to draw…sometimes the right brain knows what the left brain doesn’t.
Give yourself lots of kindness and compassion.
Remember to breathe.
Sometimes you may need a break from your feelings. Imagine yourself in a safe space that you love. It may be somewhere you know or something you create. .It could be a room or a place in nature. Put anything or anyone in it who gives you comfort. Imagine the colors and objects or things from nature you most love. Spend some time feeling that healing energy.
Sometimes these feelings may be triggering an old memory. You can ask yourself what this reminds you of. Often we get great relief from knowing this.
EFT or tapping therapy can help to move stuck energy out of your energy system. Check out my website or e-mail me for more information.
Brenda Strausz is a holistic psychotherapist with a practice in the Metro Detroit Area who specializes in women’s issues. She can be reached at
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